End-to-end planning

Everything you need to know: End-to-end planning

Optilon Crew

1. Getting started with a modern approach to end-to-end planning

Understand the basics of end-to-end planning (whitepaper)
End-to-end Supply Chain planning is about bridging the gap between operations and business plans. It is also about staying in control. Check out and download the whitepaper right here. 

You can also read a shorter blog post on what Supply Chain planning is right here.

Do you also have unnecessary items in stock? (Trend report)
Did you know that every fifth item in stock is unnecessary? We made a report based on the 400 largest companies in the Nordics. Learn more about our findings and what you can do to ensure that this is not your company. You can download the report here.

2. Understanding more about the details

Understanding inventory optimization (blog post)
You can achieve aggressive service level targets while minimizing inventory and reducing costs simultaneously. Learn more about how right here.

How an end-to-end Supply Chain planning approach can benefit the business
Having an end-to-end Supply Chain planning approach can turn out to be a competitive advantage in the market. Though, to leverage your Supply Chain for a competitive advantage, it is important to utilize technology to add business value. In this blog post, we will share how it can benefit the business strategy.

Are you going to use a digital twin? (blog post and webinar)
Looking to learn more about a digital twin and how it can help you on your end-to-end Supply Chain planning journey? Check out these resources on the digital twin right here. You can also watch a webinar and read about SKF, who made a digital twin part of their core journey and won the Gartner Chainnovator Award in the Industrial Segment. Optilon supported them all the way – and still do.

Why ABC inventory classification is old school and not optimization (blog post)

ABC inventory classification has been around so long that most planners assume it’s the only way to segment inventory. In fact, it’s not. And it’s not even nearly the best way. Read more in this blog post.

Is the working relationship between operations and marketing an area for optimization? (blog post)
In many companies, the working relationship between operations and marketing is challenging. This is where technology within promotions planning can help.  Promotions planning is about bridging the gap between operations and marketing. Read more in this blog post. 

3. Check out these great cases:

 4. Get a brief product demonstration right now

This brief product demonstration explains the core capabilities of the service-driven planning software we provide with our partner ToolsGroup. The video also describes why it’s different and better than traditional planning solutions. 

It covers:

  • Demand modeling and forecasting
  • Promotions planning
  • Multiechelon inventory optimization
  • Replenishment

5. Finding the right partner

Supply Chain organizations must rapidly assess new digital strategies and Supply Chain planning technology solutions to accelerate digital business. At the same time, they need to evaluate and identify automation opportunities while supporting organizational change. How do they stretch their organization’s current way of thinking and operating while simultaneously delivering on speed and flexibility? Get some fruitful advice in this blog post.

We are here to help you choose the right journey
Our engagement model shows you how we work together with our clients. We want to ensure that you get a humble, engaged, and committed solution delivery that solves your business challenges. Learn more about how we work right here. 

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